…The new debt investment strategy offered by Nibble is designed to deliver to private investors appropriate assets to diversify their investment portfolio and earn lucrative return…
Thanks to online platforms and fintech solutions, investors nowadays have countless opportunities to put their money to work and diversify their portfolios, which of course, in principle is great, but… while P2P lending seems to be an attractive option to obtain an interesting profit, quite often we are just overwhelmed by the myriad of copy / paste platforms that flood the market at the moment…
So the question is… Is there something different out there?, a unique value proposal that can be truly interesting for users and stands out from the competition?
Today we have with us Ivan Sharafiev, Chief Executive Officer of Nibble, a platform that may have an interesting concept for us to explore.
Welcome to TodoCrowdlending.com, Ivan!
1 – First of all, for all our readers still not familiar with the Nibble brand, can you tell us a bit about the company and its value proposition for investors?
ISNibble is a financial service that operates in the peer-to-peer lending sector, an investment method that is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. You can invest directly in private companies or groups of people without the need for central banks or regulatory bodies with this investment approach. As an individual, you invest your money in a private company to aid in its growth, and they return the capital with interest.
2 – What would you say are your competitive advantages compared to the competition?, why should I choose Nibble as a P2P investor?
ISThe peer-to-portfolio model is used by Nibble financial platform. The purpose of Nibble is to cater to both novice investors and professionals. The investment process has been made easier by automating it, allowing the investor to select the strategy, amount, and term of the investment. The platform selects loans for the investment portfolio and handles reinvestment.
3 – OK, focusing on your main product, this is, investing in debt through your Legal Strategy, can you explain how this product works?, where are we putting our money?
ISThe new debt investment strategy offered by Nibble is designed to deliver to private investors appropriate assets to diversify their investment portfolio and earn lucrative returns. This cutting-edge investment proposal is called Legal Strategy. It provides investors with a unique opportunity to invest in the debt market without the need for intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions. With this new feature, Nibble investors will be able to invest in secure debt portfolios and earn a guaranteed passive income on their investments.
4 – How can you achieve such interesting returns with this strategy?
ISAny financial company specializing in lending inevitably faces loans that are not repaid within the terms specified in the contract. Many companies sell such loans in large portfolios at auctions with 85% discount, in order to quickly return a part of the money to the business.
Boostr buys such portfolios at auctions.
Thanks to the deep experience and technologies developed by Boostr, it is possible to achieve a high percentage of capital return. In Eurasia the company has more than 5 years of experience and more than 80 employees.
How we make money for investors:
- Boostr buys overdue loans from banks and MFOs at auctions, with a discount of 85%.
- The pre-trial process begins, when the agency contacts the borrower and tries to agree on the return of the debt.
- If it was not possible find a solution, then the process of court proceedings begins to obtain a court decision on the debt collection from the debtor, which is managed by Boostr or its partner.
- After receiving a judicial order, debt, interest, and fines are collected through the bailiff services and banks.
5 – What are the risks of these kind of investments and what measures have you implemented to mitigate them?
ISThe strategy comes with the Deposit back guarantee – this is the obligation of the collection agency to return the full investment amount at the end of the investment period and ensure a minimum yield of 8% per annum.
Due to investment into a portfolio consisting of a large number of loans, the risk of not receiving income from several contracts is reduced as they are covered by other loans.
Interest is accrued daily at 8% per annum, and payouts are made every 90 days depending on the received yield, up to 14.5% per annum.
During the fundraising process for a portfolio purchase, we accrue income at 8% per annum. This is your bonus yield to the main one which goes up to 14.5%. To purchase a portfolio, the maximum term for fundraising is 30 days.
6 – Taking into account the current macroeconomic context, with a persistent inflation and the drums of recession still beating menacingly in the horizon… Is this the right time to invest in debt?
ISThere is no better time to invest than now.
Even though the economic situation around the world is challenging, remember the 4 stages of wealth, which include stability, investment, security, and travel.
7 – OK, now focusing more on Nibble as a company… what are your goals for the rest of 2023 and 2024?, what new products or features are planning to offer to the investors?
ISOur company’s plan is to grow multiple times, increase the number of investors, and provide the most favorable conditions on the market.
8 – How are you planning to keep on evolving the company to adapt to the increasingly challenging European market, with more regulation and more actors / platforms trying to get a piece of the action.
ISIt’s important to not be afraid of new times and embrace them as a challenge.
Experience, a strong team, and process automation are the keys to our success.
9 – As a reader of this interview, what can I do if I want to know more about Nibble and investments in debt in general or if I have any other questions?
ISOur page https://nibble.finance/ is a great place to start. Take a look at our blog and read the section ‘About Us’ to gain a thorough understanding of the principles of work. In the section ‘How it works’, you can find the answers to any questions you may still have.
10 – If I am interested in joining the platform as an investor, is there any welcome bonus or promotion at the moment?
ISYes, of course, join Nibble investors and redeem up to €1.000 back with a 2% Cashback on Investments!
You can find more information by following the link: https://nibble.finance/
11 – Anything else you would like to share with TodoCrowdlending community?
ISOur goal as a company is to assist people in becoming more financially literate and financially independent. It would be great if after this interview someone is interested in investing, whether it’s Nibble or something else. We have a mission to help people and we want to keep it!
Thanks very much for your time, Ivan!