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➐ PREGUNTAS PARA… Crowdlending Qué Es Contado por las Propias Plataformas

En esta sección recogemos todas las micro-entrevistas que desde hemos realizado a nuestras plataformas de crowdlending y crowdfunding favoritas donde nos cuentan en primera persona todo tipo de datos, objetivos, curiosidades y buenas razones para sumarnos a su comunidad e invertir en ellas.

Las iremos ordenando alfabéticamente. Por favor, usad el Índice de Contenidos justo aquí debajo para saltar a la que sea de vuestro interés.


➐ Preguntas para ROBOCASH

 «More Money in Less Time»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂


1) What makes Robocash unique among all P2P investment platforms?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH Our main advantage is full automation of the service, which saves time for investors. All the user needs to do is to add funds to an account and set up a portfolio according to the preferences. Another distinctive feature is the “peer-to-portfolio” model of operation. belongs to the financial holding Robocash Group and gives an opportunity to invest in loans issued by our affiliated lenders. This allows us to secure all investments with a complete buyback guarantee.

2) As investors, why should we include Robocash in our portfolio?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH We offer a profitable annual interest rate of 12% and a high turnover of funds, as the majority of available loans are short-term, and the average repayment period is 22 days. Moreover, we do not charge any fees or taxes from investors.

3) Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH We had several significant accomplishments in 2018. First, we integrated 4 new loan originators from Russia, Kazakhstan and the Philippines, which allowed us to increase investment opportunities on the platform. We also diversified the range of our products and introduced instalment loans from Kazakhstan, which brought secondary market with it. We are proud that the number of new investors on our platform last year doubled compared to 2017, and the total volume of attracted funds reached €5 million.

4) What is your main goal for 2019?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH In 2019, our holding plans to develop the existing markets and increase the share of the Asian lending companies in the group portfolio. It will allow us to increase the volume of available loans on our P2P platform. As a result, by the end of 2019, we expect to attract  €10 million of investments.

5) Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH As I have mentioned, investors will see new investment opportunities on our platform. We will keep you aware of all news and updates concerning

6) How did you choose the name: ‘Robocash’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

SERGEY – ROBOCASH The brand name “Robocash” is used for both our P2P platform and lending services. The first part of the name stands for “Robot”. Why Robot? Because it is associated with speed and comfort, which are important for customers. With regard to our lending services, the robot makes finance (“cash”) accessible to the underserved and unbanked population in a quick and easy way. From the point of view of investors, “cash” is the income they earn through our P2P platform, and the robot makes the investment process simple and automatic.

 7) Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

SERGEY – ROBOCASH Our platform has been active for two years. Since the start, more than 5,700 investors have joined us. We appreciate your trust and hope that you enjoy using our service!



SS  Sergey Sedov – Founder and CEO – Robocash

Thanks Sergey, Alyona & Robocash for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para BONDORA

 «YOU Become the Bank»  




NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂



➊ What makes Bondora unique among all p2p investment platforms?

MATTHEW – BONDORA Three things:

  • 11-year track record

Bondora is one of the oldest P2P platforms in the world. Founded in the height of the global financial crisis, this was a time when the world needed access to fair finance and a technological revolution. Fast-forward 11 years, Bondora now serves over 59,000 investors and has already paid out €24M.

  • Choice

Bondora’s investors can choose to invest in a range of different ways. Starting from completely passive to connecting to our API. So whether you’re the kind of person who wants to spend the least amount of time as possible on your investments, or whether you want to build your own programme and take full control – it’s all possible with Bondora.

  • Simple

One of the best benefits of investing with Bondora is our simple and straightforward user interface. You could be a tech guru or totally new to investing online – it doesn’t matter.

➋ As investors, why should we include Bondora in our portfolio?

MATTHEW – BONDORA We’ve been working hard to build a reputation of trust with our investors and in the wider investing community. We’ve done this by delivering on our promises – for example, setting customers expectations upfront about their projected net return, and then achieving it for them.

What’s more, we co-create new services with our investor community through our ’Feature Request Tool’ which allows investors to upvote the features and services they want us to implement the most. Right now – we’re testing a new feature which automatically pays out a specified amount to an investors bank account each month. This was suggested within the ’Feature Request Tool.’

Regarding data, all transactions on Bondora are public and updated daily for all to see. All of this builds trust with existing and new investors and gives them the confidence to invest with us for the long term.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

MATTHEW – BONDORA Go & Grow. Based on feedback from 1000’s of investors we created a service which opens up the world of investing to all. You don’t need a degree in finance or any previous experience to get started with Go & Grow. This is often a huge barrier which deters people from taking control of their financial future – because they don’t know how to get started and if it’s safe. The response to Go & Grow so far has been incredible, and we’re continuing to see it’s usage grow exponentially month-by-month.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

MATTHEW – BONDORA Our main goal in 2019 is to improve our existing products and services, so they’re perfect. This is in the form of having a fully functioning site in 24 languages (which we launched at the beginning of this year), a mobile app to make the experience even more straightforward for investors and some more bonus surprises 😉

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

MATTHEW – BONDORA No new products are planned for release this year. Our major plans are to make improvements to our existing services. This is so everything works at lightning speed, and all the features you know and love are ready to use all the time. We’re also planning to release an app for Go & Grow later this year.

➏ How did you choose the name: Bondora for your investment platform? What is the story behind it?

MATTHEW – BONDORA Great question! You’ve probably seen the animated Bondora character on our site, in your emails, and on social media (and painted on the walls in our office!). Until now, you may not have realized her name is Bondora. She is our leader, mascot and inspiration.

Just this week, we released “Invest Like a Superhero“ which brings Bondora to life. This is the first in a series of videos in Bondora’s daily life, so make sure to keep an eye out for more over the coming months.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

MATTHEW – BONDORA If you’re thinking about starting to invest (whether that be with Bondora or in something completely different), our best advice is just to get started. Today, you can start investing with small amounts – for example, from €1 with Bondora. Starting can help to give you the motivation to invest more and become more disciplined with your finances.

Once you start to see that you can actually make returns on your money, and you develop trust with the provider, you’ll find investing becomes second nature to you. And the road to financial independence begins…



MC  Matthew Clannachan – Head of Investments – Bondora

Thanks Matthew & Bondora for your time! 🙂




➐ Preguntas para BRICKSTARTER

 «Tú inviertes y ganas. Nosotros hacemos todo lo demás.»  



¿Qué es lo que diferencia a Brickstarter del resto de plataformas de crowdfunding inmobiliario y la convierte en algo único?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER La rentabilidad mensual que reciben nuestros inversores es mayor, ya que nuestro modelo de negocio se centra en el alquiler vacacional y este genera una mayor rentabilidad respecto al alquiler tradicional.

Además de una rotación más alta de activos, ya que aportamos un valor diferenciador al inmueble, transformándolo en una unidad de negocio (apartamento turístico).

Como inversores en crowdlending y crowdfunding… ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir Brickstarter en nuestra cartera de inversión?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Debería incluir a Brickstarter dentro de su cartera de inversión porque los apartamentos turísticos son el tipo de inversión inmobiliaria más rentable de la actualidad, con una mayor liquidez mensual.

Además, hemos desarrollado un algoritmo propio basado en el Big Data que detecta las oportunidades de negocio, es decir, nos muestra los pisos más rentables en el mercado, una vez sean trasformados en apartamentos turísticos.

Por otra parte, somos especialistas en la gestión de apartamentos turísticos, y analizamos todas las variables posibles para obtener la máxima rentabilidad de cada inmueble.

Por último, ofrecemos plena confianza a nuestros inversores, aportando desde el momento en el que inviertan en un proyecto, hasta que el proyecto entre en funcionamiento, un 5% TAE de la cantidad invertida, para que ganen desde el primer día.

 ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Completar una operación de inversión en apenas 5 horas de un apartamento en una ciudad nueva para nosotros, Málaga.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Nos gustaría alcanzar expansión internacional y ofrecer oportunidades de forma más continua.

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Queremos lanzar dos nuevas opciones en la plataforma de crowdfunding:

  • Market place: donde los inversores que tengan invertido dinero en nuestros pisos, puedan tener la opción de vender su participación y retirar los fondos o guardarlos para otra oportunidad.
  • Ahorro automático: se trata de comenzar a ofrecer otra modalidad de proyectos, es decir, hasta el momento ofrecemos pisos que compramos, explotamos turísticamente y vendemos. Pues queremos empezar a ofrecer otras modalidades como por ejemplo; comprar, trasformar en alquiler turístico y vender directamente, sin pasar por la fase de explotación. Por tanto, con esta herramienta en nuestra plataforma, podrán decir los inversores qué es lo que buscan y cuánto quieren invertir y les sugerirá cuáles son los proyectos más rentables para las necesidades que tienen.

 ¿Cómo surgió el nombre de la plataforma: BRICKSTARTER?

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Todo empezó con “kick start”, un término que nos gustaba mucho porque nos daba ánimos para empezar este proyecto. Seguidamente nos fijamos en el nombre de la plataforma más conocida de crowdfunding a nivel mundial “Kickstarter”.

Y por último, como somos una plataforma de crowdfunding, pero especializada en el sector inmobiliario turístico, queríamos algo que hiciese referencia a eso y salió la palabra Brick (ladrillo).

Todo esto, dio lugar a nuestro nombre actual, Brickstarter.

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de

JOSE MARÍA – BRICKSTARTER Regalo de 25€ poniendo este código en tu primera inversión. UM637KOZ

Invita a un amigo una vez registrado y ambos recibiréis 25€ para invertir.

Ofrecemos desde el momento en el que inviertan en un proyecto, hasta que el proyecto entre en funcionamiento, un 5% TAE de la cantidad invertida, para que ganen desde el primer día.


JMP Entrevista contestada por… Jose María Pascual – Fundador y CEO de Brickstarter.

¡Gracias Jose María, Lorena & Brickstarter por vuestro tiempo! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para BULKESTATE

 «A new and prospective player in P2P field»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

Having a startup itself is so yesterday. Having a startup with a good idea and excellent execution is tomorrow. Some startups do it right and play the game by their own rules – Baltic P2P platform Bulkestate is one of them. Having carved a niche for themselves, they recently became members of AHK.

The company, which has been around for 2 years and growing steadily, was initially founded by two Latvian entrepreneurs and real estate experts. Besides P2P lending they focus on finding a meeting point between wholesale property sellers and retail buyers, who would otherwise never meet. Their platform enables separate buyers to come together and purchase a whole apartment building as a group of future owners. Being real estate professionals, they also deal with all necessary paperwork and bureaucracy, taking extra safety measurements to ensure a good outcome. While that is being taken care of, the whole deal is partially funded via P2P lending, which offers investors, particularly high-interest rates. The plan has been tested, it works and everybody profits.

We had a chance to catch one of its founders, Igors Puntuss, for a quick interview, so here are some Q&A from us:

➊ What would you say makes Bulkestate unique among all P2P investment platforms?

IGORS – BULKESTATE Our best selling point is investment safety – all loans are secured with real estate objects. Unlike other platforms which offer buy-back and similar safety measures – which mostly work until they might not – our investment projects are almost default-proof, having a real estate object as insurance. That means investors will not lose their money since their loans are not so dependent on the economic environment. Then, of course, we have a group buy option, which allows wholesale sellers to have a neat deal and end buyers to purchase an apartment roughly 15% below market price.

Last year we tested this feature on two large projects, buying and selling two large buildings in Riga, Latvia. Both deals were highly successful – sellers got the price they wanted, investors made good profit and apartment owners got their coveted properties for a very sweet price.

➋ As investors, why should we include Bulkestate in our portfolio?

IGORS – BULKESTATE Among reasons previously mentioned, our platform offers one of the highest return of investments in the European market. Last year’s average annual profit for our investors is 18,5%. While that might seem unreal or even suspicious, you have to remember that the Baltic market is a growing one – these states have limited supply of equity and other non-banking capital, so they lack buyers. Therefore their price level is relatively low and provides a good opportunity for developers to buy, renovate and sell at a good margin. Similarly, developers also lack equity capital and therefore are willing to borrow at 11-15% as this enables them to realize their projects which otherwise would not be possible and current market environment provides sufficient space to make a profit also after borrowing costs. In Western Europe, property prices are much higher and profit margin for re-development projects lower, therefore, it might be more difficult to justify high borrowing costs. And, once again, all Bulkestate loans are well secured by real estate mortgages.

  Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, one that you are most proud of?

IGORS – BULKESTATE I’d have to mention our project on Nometņu Street 18, Riga, Latvia. It came together beautifully, despite being a rather difficult one. You see, the building belonged to the University of Latvia, and as a state institution, its hands are very tied by bureaucracy. University had previously attempted to sell the building, but the deal was unsuccessful. We did our homework and made sure each necessary step of the auction process was met, while also gathering buyers and money for the deal. After closing the deal and purchasing the building, investors received back 843 757 € – investments + interest rates. Also worth mentioning is the fact that annual return for this investment has been 17% – higher than on most platforms on the market, and investors who invested over 10 000 € and 25 000 € received additional bonus via cashback incentive program. I don’t mean to sound pretentious, but everyone was very happy with the deal, and happy customers and partners are a big part of what we like about our job.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

IGORS – BULKESTATE In short – to keep doing what we were doing well in previous years and improving what needs to be improved. Group buying is one of our priorities for this year since last year has shown it works beautifully. Also, we are planning to increase the number of investment sites per month as well as the total sum of investments. We are very much interested in larger objects and investment sites in multiple countries.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

IGORS – BULKESTATE We are constantly working on fine-tuning our platform, so those of your readers who are our investors are very welcome to give feedback, we will very much appreciate it. Some of the features will be upgraded soon, and more focus will be put on the group buying feature. And, of course, there’s a dream about having our own blog on our website that we have put off for a while – business comes first.

➏ How did you choose the name “Bulkestate” for your investment platform? What is the story behind?

IGORS – BULKESTATE It came from group buying idea, actually. “Bulk” is something that you buy in large quantities, thus having a huge discount. So if you combine bulk with real estate, you get the property for a reduced price, which is a lot of money in real estate context. We also liked the way it sounds – solid and robust – so here we are.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

IGORS – BULKESTATE As your readers are Spanish, they might like to know that investors from Spain are among our top 6 countries. More are welcome to join! And we on Bulkestate love Spain back – I was in Barcelona and Madrid for vacation recently and had a great time in both places. Spain is a lovely place – vibrant and active, yet laid back. I love how everything is saturated in culture and history there, but the atmosphere is very light and easygoing. People are friendly and, of course, food culture is great. I have to honestly admit I miss tapas back in Baltics. So I’ll have to go back again soon!

While we are waiting for Igors to pay us a visit, why don’t you take a look at their platform: I mean, those interest rates look good, don’t they?


IP  Igors Puntuss – Co-Founder and Operations Manager

Thanks Igors, Baiba & Bulkestate for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para CIRCULANTIS

 «Descuento de Pagarés y Anticipo de Facturas»  



¿Qué es lo que diferencia a Circulantis del resto de plataformas de crowdlending y la convierte en algo único?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Circulantis es un Marketplace donde se puede conseguir una atractiva rentabilidad invirtiendo en el descuento de créditos comerciales que pymes nos presentan para financiarse. Creo que más importante que la diferenciación es intentar hacer bien nuestro trabajo y generar una cartera atractiva de créditos para invertir.

Como inversores en crowdlending … ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir Circulantis en nuestra cartera de inversión?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Un buen inversor en Crowdlending debería diversificar su inversión entre todas aquellas plataformas que hayan demostrado una sólida trayectoria de funcionamiento; Circulantis, sin duda, sería una de ellas.

 ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Aparte del hito de superar en octubre los 50 MM de Euros financiados, creo que es importante destacar el acuerdo de colaboración firmado con GOIN, que nos va a permitir consolidar aún más nuestra base de inversores.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Nuestro principal objetivo para 2019 es lanzar el anticipo de facturas de Administraciones Públicas, lo que nos va a permitir ofrecer una cartera de operaciones todavía más diversificada a nuestros inversores.

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Aparte de lo señalado en el punto anterior, vamos a lanzar mejoras, como bajar el importe mínimo de puja por operación, que permitirá una mayor diversificación a los inversores desde importes más bajos y también vamos a mejorar la información de riesgos que necesitan estos con vistas a mejorar su experiencia de usuario.

 ¿Cómo surgió el nombre de la plataforma: CIRCULANTIS?

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Mediante una lluvia de ideas entre los socios.

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de

GUILLERMO – CIRCULANTIS Gracias por ayudarnos a la consolidación definitiva del crowdlending como alternativa de financiación/inversión.


GG Entrevista contestada por… Guillermo González-Fleitas – Director General de Circulantis.

¡Gracias Guillermo & Circulantis por vuestro tiempo! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para COLECTUAL

 «Colectual es una plataforma de préstamos colectivos (crowdlending) con un enfoque ético.»  



➊ ¿Qué es lo que diferencia a Colectual del resto de plataformas de crowdlending y la convierte en algo único?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALColectual tiene un enfoque ético en su actividad. No financiamos proyectos que no tengan detrás un proyecto de economía real, generadora de empleo y riqueza. No hacemos juicios morales, pero no participamos en proyectos que no entendamos que son sostenibles.

Somos la única plataforma que hacemos un doble rating a la pyme, evaluando también su desempeño en materia de responsabilidad social corporativa, con factores como el tratamiento de los residuos, ausencia de sanciones, si emplea personal discapacitado, o como es su integración en el entorno social en el que opera. Asignamos una valoración que va desde Excelente a Inapreciable y es un elemento adicional de decisión para el inversor que decide donde quiere que vaya su dinero. Se trata de una evaluación voluntaria, y la pyme que decide hacerla ve rebajado sus  costes de la financiación, al reducir Colectual su fee. Un tercio de las operaciones ya tienen este doble rating y el objetivo es que todas lo tengan.

Finalmente, Colectual, en sus estatutos, incluye un dividendo social de hasta el 25% de los beneficios, cuyo destino será decidido por sus clientes.

➋ Como inversores en crowdlending… ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir Colectual en nuestra cartera de inversión?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALUn inversor en crowdlending ya sabe lo que son las financiaciones a Pymes. Nuestro objetivo es hacer una gestión excelente del riesgo. Con Colectual puede tener activos con una rentabilidad correcta (5.80% el último año), con la confianza de que la selección del riesgo que hacemos no le planteará sorpresas. Además, como hemos comentado, puede disponer de un criterio de selección de operaciones adicional al  económico-financiero, como es el comportamiento responsable de las empresas que se evalúan en Colectual.

➌ ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALSon varios los logros del segundo año de actividad, pero el más importante es haber alcanzado la confianza de 1.800 inversores minoristas, que con participaciones en torno a los 1000€, han permitido la financiación de más de 60 proyectos empresariales.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALNuestro reto para 2019 es consolidar la actividad, creciendo a la velocidad que permita la selección de proyectos de empresas adecuados. El objetivo no es sólo de volumen, sino esencialmente de calidad. Nuestros principales objetivos son dos: hacer que nuestros inversores tengan una rentabilidad moderada pero sin sorpresas, y contribuir a que las empresas dispongan de alternativas de financiación a los bancos, que hoy por hoy son la práctica totalidad de las financiaciones empresariales, con un enorme problema de concentración (5 entidades concentran el 82% del crédito).

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALLos más visibles esperamos que sea la intensificación de proyectos de financiación de circulante, y la facilidad para que los clientes que lo desean puedan hacer liquidas sus operaciones a plazos más largos, mediante la cesión de sus participaciones a otro inversor, de forma rápida y transparente.

Hay otros menos visibles, pero no menos importantes, como un nuevo sistema de admisión de riesgos que actualmente está en fase de evaluación.

➏ ¿Cómo surgió el nombre de la plataforma: COLECTUAL?

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALColectual es una palabra llana, que proviene del latín, aunque es una palabra nueva e inventada por nosotros.

Colectual es una mezcla de colectivo y de individual, que es la misma esencia que una operación de crowdlending, donde un proyecto, individual, es realizado gracias al apoyo de un colectivo de personas que creen en él y le dejan su dinero.

Colectual también quiere evocar a la cosecha (colecta), que es el fruto del esfuerzo de las personas que invierten sus ahorros en un proyecto empresarial.  Cuando un inversor recibe el reembolso de su capital con los intereses pactados, recoge la cosecha y el premio a su esfuerzo.

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de

JOSE MARÍA – COLECTUALColectual es un actor joven en esta actividad, probablemente el más pequeño. Pretendemos hacer las  cosas de una forma diferente. Creemos que es necesario un mercado de financiación empresarial alternativo al bancario y creemos que la tecnología permite unir necesidades de las empresas y de los ahorradores de una forma eficiente, transparente y equilibrada, donde el inversor decide donde pone su dinero.  También creemos que el mundo financiero necesita protagonistas y comportamientos transparentes y responsables. Desde nuestro tamaño, modestamente aspiramos a ser un referente en esta nueva forma de entender el mundo financiero.


JMF Entrevista contestada por… Jose María Ferrer – Director General de Colectual

¡Gracias Jose María & Colectual por vuestro tiempo! 🙂


➐ Preguntas para CROWDESTATE

 «Better returns. More transparency. Diversification.» 



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

➊ What makes Crowdestate unique among all P2P investment platforms?


1. Our historical yield – 19%.

2. No fees for our investors.

3. Real estate investment opportunities have Crowdestate’s Risk Rating, where we assess the risk of the project regarding the information provided + project’s developers experience.

4. You can have multiple investment accounts and Autoinvests. So, you can invest as a private person, as a business, for your children, other family members, or take a rest and let Autoinvest invest for you.

5. Real estate secondary market for selling and/or buying investments.

➋ As investors, why should we include Crowdestate in our portfolio?

GERDA – CROWDESTATE It’s a great way to start investing with just 100€ (you can start by buying share on the marketplace, or invest in new investment opportunities). Because we offer real estate, business and mortgage loan opportunities from different countries, you can diversify your investment portfolio easily.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

GERDA – CROWDESTATE Oh, there were so many great updates but we are most proud of launching Crowdestate’s secondary market.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

GERDA – CROWDESTATE We are currently expanding our business and giving a look at other EU countries to offer even bigger variety of different investment opportunities.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

GERDA – CROWDESTATE Keep an eye on our activities to be the first one to know. J

➏ How you did you choose the name: ‘Crowdestate’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

GERDA – CROWDESTATE We have established Crowdestate to be an online real estate marketplace eliminating all three major obstacles:

– Anybody can invest into real estate now – we have set our minimum investment to 100 euros and our investment services are free of charge to our investors.

– We provide you with carefully selected and pre-vetted real estate, business and mortgage loan investment opportunities to save your time and effort.

– There are over 27 000 international Crowdestate members like you – eager to invest, curious to ask and happy to share their expertise.

At the same time, Crowdestate is a perfect partner for real estate entrepreneurs having a bright investment idea but lacking either capital or liquidity. Crowdestate is their professional funding partner, consolidating hundreds or thousands of smaller investment orders into a single lump sum.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

GERDA – CROWDESTATE Keep an eye on our social media to be aware of new investment opportunities:





Or sign up to our Newsletter, which we send out every 2 months:


GL  Gerda Laura Liiv – Marketing/Community Manager

Thanks Gerda & Crowdestate for your time! 🙂


➐ Preguntas para DEBITUM NETWORK

 «EARN UP TO 15% ANNUAL INTEREST by lending to businesses in Europe« 



NOTA: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ.


➊ What makes Debitum Network unique among all P2P investment platforms?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK At this age and time of alternative financing and technology, especially in the P2P market, is quite hard to be able to stand out and be truly unique. I believe we managed to achieve that by using blockchain technology – which allows Debitum Network to become truly global and decentralized. We also serve business loans only and our assets are short and backed with collateral.

  • Blockchain allows us to create a decentralized ecosystem with 3rd party service providers, allowing to bring better value to users and ensuring more trust. Also, we envision that Debitum Network will function independently in the future, not being controlled by any party, but rather fully transparent and decentralized.
  • While creating Debitum Network we had a moral debate of financing pay day and similar consumer loans. Having bigger interest rates sounded attractive but on the other hand we had potentially devastating long-term impact on fellow human lives. In the end we decided to strictly stick with business financing. We wanted to transfer the same possibility to our users. Business only loans release our users of the same moral debate we had.
  • Backed and short assets mean that assets on Debitum have a real collateral behind it, like an invoice, warehouse, goods to be sold, real estate, guarantee etc. At the same time, we try offering short term assets (less than 12 months, often just around few months), so users can compound interest way quicker on Debitum and in general have better liquidity of their investment.

➋ As investors, why should we include Debitum Network in our portfolio?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK Quick turnaround of money used for investments, in result ensuring compounding interests. All investment supports business growth and is backed by a collateral that can be sold or used to regain investments lowering risk to a bare minimum. Lastly, most assets have a buy back guarantee from the Loan originator if the investment would not be repaid within 90 days after the repayment term.

➌ What is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK We developed and provided a live, working product in just six months – users were registering and able to invest on day one. Now we are building on that momentum by adding new features regularly, just recently we added auto-invest functionality and translated the platform to the Spanish language.

We also raised enough capital via crowdfunding in the beginning of 2018, that allows us to work on Debitum Network for at least 3 years. It is a guarantee to our users and partners that we are here to stay!

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK Our whole team is working hard to achieve at least 100M EUR in portfolio and increase our reach in terms of end businesses – we want to add more geographic markets in which Debitum users can invest in business loans, bringing better diversification and more choices for our users.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK We plan to upgrade Debitum Network at the end of Q1 / beginning of Q2, to add even better user experience of the platform, that will include strong mobile experience. We are working to bring better and more efficient deposit options as well as wider range of business loans as products (allowing our users to be part of exciting business financing opportunities and increased interest rates).

➏ How you chose the name: ‘Debitum Network’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK It comes from way back. We established an IT business 6-7 years ago. We had great international customers, but as many young and smaller businesses tend to, we encountered cash issues. It meant we had a hard time growing, as we needed cash to hire new engineers, take on new projects. Several local banks refused to finance our business. One of the most notorious refusal came because an international customer of ours had not submitted certain bureaucratic documents in Lithuania.

It wasn’t all rosy, but we managed to solve our cash issues without a bank. We felt the pain and it led to us to move into alternative finance industry. We want to help other small and medium size companies. The name “Debitum” appeared as it means “debt” in Latin. We added “network” as a natural extension illustrating our decentralized structure of 3rd party service providers.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

MARTINS – DEBITUM NETWORK I believe that all great things are done for a reason – we created Debitum Network to help businesses grow by getting a better access to financing, at the same time allowing the users to earn money in a trustful manner having the right tools and information.

Just a while ago, we only thought that Spain is an attractive market for us. Well, to be honest, now we not only think, but we already see a lot of attention from Spanish users, and what is crucial for us – a lot of actual investors coming in. We firmly believe that it is first of a lot of steps to be taken with our Spanish community. Thank you for believing in us. It means a lot to us!

P.S. . I studied Spanish for 6 months in university, hopefully I will be able to use it for our next interview – gracias! 😊


ML Entrevista contestada por… Martins Liberts – Co-Fundador de Debitum.Network

¡Gracias Martins & Elena por vuestro tiempo! 🙂


➐ Preguntas para FINBEE

 «Investors can earn one of the highest net return compared to other P2P lending platforms in whole Europe« 



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

What makes Finbee unique among all P2P investment platforms?

LAIMONAS – FINBEE We are probably the only one platform in all Europe which signs contracts with borrowers by meeting them personally. This old-school action slows down our operations but significantly increases payments ethics. By signing a paper contract, we create a real life environment bond with a borrower and also eliminate fraud which is common for web based platforms.

As investors, why should we include Finbee in our portfolio?

LAIMONAS – FINBEE At FinBee investors can earn one of the highest net return compared to other P2P lending platforms in whole Europe. Our average interest rate is at 19% for personal loans and 15% for business loans.

Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

LAIMONAS – FINBEE We significantly increased debt collection results. We are now able to collect 58% of all defaulted loans in 2 years period. Therefore, our investors can easily expect double digits net returns after all losses and taxes.

The other important milestone is that we signed a contract with the governmental organization “Invega”, that manages financial instruments financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds and resources returned allowing small and medium-sized enterprises to start or expand their activities with a soft loan. This governmental organization co-invests to all of our business loans provided on a platform. It shows that FinBee is not only loved by retail investors but also admired and trusted by government.

➍+➎ What is your main goal for 2019?, Which new functionalities can we expect?

LAIMONAS – FINBEE We are soon to update the technology we use. Our investors will experience freshened look and feel of the platform, we will also introduce new branding. As for other goals – we want to continue the path we are now traveling. There is no need to change much as we are constantly delivering one of the highest investment results.

How did you choose the name: ‘Finbee’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

LAIMONAS – FINBEE FinBee is an abbreviation of Financial Bee. Bees are typically seen as hardworking to create value. That’s what our team is. Hardworking, well organized and efficient. Like bees, we try build trustful relationships and bring valuable results.

Our mission statement states our main values:

We believe that by finding borrowers who will be able to repay the loans, we will have happy clients – both borrowers and lenders. If all our clients are happy – we can be 100% transparent. Transparency will build trust with the people around us. We believe that our values will help us to attract best colleagues and with the team we built we will make our company grow.

Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

LAIMONAS – FINBEE Investing through crowdfunding platforms is not only profitable, but it also unlocks a power of sharing economy. We should never forget that and keep on building crowd based solutions. Instead of working for large scale financial institutions, we are creating profits for ourselves – small investors. That’s important and we shouldn’t underestimate how powerful the crowd can be.


LN  Laimonas Noreika – Finbee CEO

Thanks Laimonas, Giedrė & Finbee for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para GROW.LY



 «El lugar donde personas como tú, prestan a negocios como el tuyo» 



➊ ¿Qué es lo que diferencia a del resto de plataformas de crowdlending y la convierte en algo único?

ANNA – GROW.LY Para nosotros hay dos puntos clave en la agilidad, tanto en el análisis de las operaciones como en la gestión posterior o la respuesta a los inversores y la transparencia. Nuestros usuarios están informados, no solo de nuestras estadísticas en tiempo real, sino de todo lo que ocurre en la plataforma y la situación de los préstamos en los cuales han participado, la rentabilidad anualizada, las posibles dotaciones… Facilitamos además la gestión administrativa de las retenciones fiscales tanta a los inversores como a las empresas financiadas.

➋ Como inversores en préstamos participativos… ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir en nuestra cartera de inversión?

ANNA – GROW.LY El actual nivel de tipos de interés, la volatilidad de la Bolsa, los bajos rendimientos de los fondos de inversión, etc, convierten el producto de, en una alternativa interesante para completar una cartera de inversión. En este sentido, ofrece a los inversores una rentabilidad atractiva por encima de otras alternativas brindando la oportunidad de diversificar el portfolio de las inversiones entre multitud de distintas empresas con operaciones desde 3 hasta 24 meses.

➌ ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

ANNA – GROW.LY Nuestro mayor logro ha sido la confianza que están depositando en nosotros tanto empresas como inversores. Gracias a ellos, durante este año mes a mes hemos ido creciendo, incrementado nuestro número de usuarios, que ya son más de 3.300, y a día de hoy hemos superado los 15,6 millones financiados en más de 370 proyectos afianzando un modelo de financiación a empresas y de rentabilidad para inversores novedoso en el mercado. También estamos muy orgullosos de las mejoras tecnológicas que hemos realizado durante este año que permiten a nuestros inversores disponer de una información precisa y actualizada del desarrollo de sus inversiones facilitándoles detalle de su rentabilidad en distintos periodos de tiempo asi como un índice de concentración para ayudarle a gestionar mejor su cartera entre otros aspectos.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

ANNA – GROW.LY Nuestro principal reto para el 2019 es el de llegar cada vez a más empresas del país y a más inversores, dándoles la posibilidad de obtener una rentabilidad atractiva con una carretera muy diversificada. Queremos que el crowdlending siga siendo un producto interesante para los inversores y una fuente de financiación real para las pymes de nuestro país por lo que seguiremos trabajando para mejorar nuestra plataforma y dar cada vez un mejor servicio a nuestros usuarios, apostando siempre por la transparencia.

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

ANNA – GROW.LY Estamos trabajando en varias nuevas funcionalides que todavía no podemos desvelar pero que estamos seguros serán muy interesantes para nuestros inversores y las empresas con las que trabajamos.

➏ ¿De dónde viene el nombre de la plataforma

ANNA – GROW.LY A la hora de crear una empresa el nombre siempre trae quebraderos de cabeza, queríamos transmitir crecimiento (growth) y crear un producto «friendly», fácil de usar y de ahí, de «friendly growh» terminó saliendo

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de


AK Entrevista contestada por… Anna Kharikhanova – Directora de relación con inversores

¡Gracias Anna! 🙂


➐ Preguntas para LENNDY

 «Ideas Worth Investment»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

➊ What makes Lenndy unique among all P2P investment platforms?

ARTURAS – LENNDY P2P Marketplace Lenndy is working from 2016 and already gained a reputation of a more secured and reliable platform. This could be a result of our portfolio performance. Most of the loans at Lenndy are for businesses only and also has a collateral + buyback guarantee. Loans for businesses are also quiet short-term (3-6 months) so investors are happy to see the liquidity of their investments.

➋ As investors, why should we include Lenndy in our portfolio?

ARTURAS – LENNDY We always recommend for investors to diversify their portfolio as much as possible so having Lenndy in Your personal portfolio is always a good choice. We can see a lot of investors who are not satisfied with other P2P platforms because of too many late loans and big number of defaults. So if investors are searching for a loans with collateral and Buyback guarantee – they could always choose Lenndy as one of the main platform in their portfolio.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

ARTURAS – LENNDY Lenndy platform has sign an agreement with LHV bank and now investors are able to invest using SEPA transfers and start investing fast and easy. 2018 was also a good year for gaining trust from investors because our portfolio grew very fast and investors are happy with the results.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

ARTURAS – LENNDY Our main goal is to double our portfolio slowly, keeping a good track record selecting loans to offer our investors. We believe that every P2P platform administrator’s goal is to have a sustainable growth with healthy return and risk ratio.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

ARTURAS – LENNDY We just activated a new affiliate+cashback model for our investors which gives a good opportunity to earn more money for investors. There will be also new functionalities like faster investments and a better auto-invest experience so that investors don’t have to spend much time making investments.

➏ How did you choose the name: ‘Lenndy’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

ARTURAS – LENNDY Lenndy was chosen in 2015 when we started creating a P2P Marketplace. The name itself says about lending money, and we believe that sharing economy is based on lending solutions that allows investors to earn more interest rates without the middleman taking most of the earnings.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

ARTURAS – LENNDY P2P Marketplace Lenndy has it’s momentum in the market and now we are signing an agreement with investors who wants to participate in the growth of Lenndy. After that we will expand into more markets and will be able to allow more trustworthy Loan Originators to join us.


AS Entrevista contestada por… Arturas Stukalo – Lenndy CMO

Thanks Arturas & Lenndy for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para MYTRIPLEA

 «El trato más justo entre financiación para empresas e inversión» 



➊ ¿Qué es lo que diferencia a MyTripleA del resto de plataformas de crowdlending y la convierte en algo único?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA MytripleA es un portal de acceso al crowdlending, él único español donde se pueden encontrar 3 productos diferenciados: préstamos garantizados por SGR, préstamos con riesgo medido y factoring. El producto de préstamos es ofrecido por MytripleA Préstamos, única plataforma participativa que cuenta con dos licencias, la licencia de Plataforma de Financiación Participativa otorgada por CNMV y licencia de Entidad de Pago registrada en el Banco de España.

Como adelantaba antes, contamos con acuerdos con Sociedades de Garantía Recíproca (SGR) repartidas por todo el territorio nacional para que los inversores obtengan una rentabilidad atractiva y sin renunciar a la seguridad y a la vez las empresas pueden obtener un préstamo a un tipo de interés bajo. Estas entidades semipúblicas aseguran el capital y los intereses ordinarios de los inversores que invierten en dichos productos.

➋ Como inversores en crowdlending… ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir MytripleA en nuestra cartera de inversión?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA Como adelantaba anteriormente, MytripleA tiene tres productos de inversión diferenciados que se adaptan a todos los perfiles de inversión. Por lo que los inversores pueden obtener desde un mismo lugar una cartera diversificada:

 ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA En 2018 MytripleA comenzó una nueva etapa lanzando el producto de factoring para lo que se efectuó una nueva estructura y una nueva imagen con una plataforma nueva, más accesible y cómoda para los inversores, así como una nueva web.

A principios de este 2019 alcanzamos los 50 millones de euros financiados, hito del que estamos muy orgullosos. Y que responde al trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicación con la que hacemos nuestro trabajo. Esto solo ha sido posible gracias a los más de 4.500 registrados en la plataforma y a su confianza en MytripleA, de hecho el 90% de los inversores que han invertido, repiten.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA Los principales retos para 2019 son seguir con un crecimiento exponencial y controlado y evolucionar hacia nuevos productos y servicios para empresas e inversores.

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA En MytripleA estamos constantemente buscando mejoras para nuestros clientes y esperamos que este año 2019 esté lleno de novedades.

 ¿Cómo surgió el nombre de la plataforma: MYTRIPLEA?

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA El nombre de MytripleA está inspirado en la máxima calidad crediticia que se representa con tres aes: AAA+.

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de

JORGE – MYTRIPLEA En MytripleA trabajamos desde la humildad, la transparencia y el espíritu de superación que nos ha llevado hasta donde estamos. Desde los orígenes hemos defendido otro tipo de financiación para las empresas y que los inversores pudiesen obtener una mayor rentabilidad por su dinero. Seguimos trabajando día a día para que nuestros inversores obtengan la mayor rentabilidad posible y que estén satisfechos con su cartera de inversión.

Si tienes alguna duda ¡Estamos encantados de atenderte! Ponte en contacto con nosotros.


JA Entrevista contestada por… Jorge Antón – Co-Fundador y CEO de MyTripleA.

¡Gracias Jorge & MyTripleA por vuestro tiempo! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para OCTOBER

 «Presta directamente a empresas con la plataforma líder en Europa» 



➊ ¿Qué es lo que diferencia a October del resto de plataformas de crowdlending y la convierte en única?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Hay varias cosas que hacen de October una plataforma de crowdlending diferente:

✰ Es una plataforma europea: financias proyectos españoles, franceses, italianos y neerlandeses a partir de una cantidad mínima de 20€
Inviertes con sólo 3 clics desde la app móvil.
✰ Estás acompañado por inversores institucionales (como el Fondo Europeo de Inversión) y los directivos de October que invierten de forma automática en todos los proyectos de la plataforma.
✰ October es gratis para los inversores: recibes el 100% de los intereses.
✰ Puedes consultar todas nuestras estadísticas y las cifras claves de los proyectos, con total transparencia.

➋ Como inversores de crowdlending… ¿Por qué deberíamos incluir October en nuestra cartera de inversión?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Con October, los inversores de crowdlending tienen una oportunidad de diversificar su cartera invirtiendo en proyectos de empresas europeas de todos los sectores, con un vencimiento de 3 meses a 7 años, que realmente tienen un impacto en la economía real y les ofrecen una rentabilidad atractiva.

Los préstamos de October son amortizables y los inversores reciben parte de su capital y de sus intereses cada mes, que pueden reinvertir o retirar sin coste.

➌ ¿Cuál ha sido el mayor logro de la plataforma en 2018?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Nuestro mayor logro en 2018 ha sido incrementar el número de proyectos y la diversidad de los mismos gracias a la apertura de nuevas oficinas en Países Bajos y a la iniciativa Crecer Juntos. Además, una mejora significativa para los inversores es la vista previa de los proyectos 48 horas antes de su apertura a la financiación que les permite estudiar el proyecto en detalle.

➍ ¿Cuál es el principal objetivo para 2019?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Para el año 2019, queremos seguir invirtiendo en tecnología para poder tomar decisiones de crédito mejores, más predictivas, fiables y rápidas y seguir mejorando la experiencia de los inversores.

➎ ¿Qué nuevas funcionalidades o nuevos productos podemos esperar en 2019?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Las nuevas funcionalidades y nuevos productos que implementaremos están basados en las sugerencias de nuestros clientes así que dependiendo de lo que pedís, las novedades pueden evolucionar. 🙂

➏ ¿Cómo surgió el nombre de la plataforma: OCTOBER?

CAMILLE – OCTOBER El cambio de nombre se estaba gestando desde junio cuando cerramos nuestra tercera ronda de financiación de 32 millones de euros, que supuso la entrada de inversores extranjeros. Nos dimos cuenta de que queríamos resaltar nuestra identidad europea y tecnológica, que fuera un nombre sencillo y fácil de recordar. Aprovechando nuestro tamaño reducido, decidimos lanzarnos y nos convertimos en October en… ¡octubre!

➐ ¿Algo que decir y compartir con la comunidad de

CAMILLE – OCTOBER Os invitamos a probar nuestro servicio con este código de invitación: ¡no dudéis en contarnos vuestra experiencia y vuestras sugerencias! blush


CD Entrevista contestada por… Camille David – Relación con Inversores October

¡Gracias por tu tiempo, Camille! 🙂


➐ Preguntas para PEERBERRY

 «Investing Made Simple»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂


What makes PeerBerry unique among all P2P investment platforms?

GERDA – PEERBERRY Firstly, on PeerBerry all loans are secured with 100% buyback guarantee. A majority of loans are listed with 11-12% (and even more) annual return. Investors admire our easy and great looking website. Our main purpose is: to make financial services very simple, hence, to bring passive income to everyone. Additionally, as we are comparatively a young company, we still got “everything matters-attitude”, each investor and each opinion really make a difference. Thus, our passion is our work, we seek to make the best out of every day.

As investors, why should we include PeerBerry in our portfolio?

GERDA – PEERBERRY Our current investors are highly satisfied with combination of platform’s high interest rates, buyback guarantee, great website, and successful operating company which makes it one of the most modern platforms to trust in. In general, investing in PeerBerry is becoming a lifestyle. It doesn’t matter are you a beginner or a professional investor – everyone manages to invest on our platform.

Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

GERDA – PEERBERRY It is difficult to choose the only one goal. The whole year was unforgettable! We faced so many new experiences and, eventually, more ups than downs. However, the most important goal was to earn trust of 3771 investors.

What is your main goal for 2019?

GERDA – PEERBERRY Firstly, we will continue to optimize investing processes and its managing tools. Just to keep it simple. The last year was the year of rapid growth. Hopefully, this year is going to be the year of improvement of IT technologies and entire services. Recently, new CEO joined our company, thus, we hope for improved business strategy, still, the most important goal remains the same – to satisfy all investors.

Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

  • Yet, we are preparing to add 3 new Loan originators from new countries to the platform
  • Improving auto invest opportunities
  • Collecting more financial information about loan originators and adding it on the platform
  • Updating the interface of current and finished investments on the platform
  • More other improvements

How you chose the name: ‘PeerBerry’ for your investment platform? What is the story behind?

GERDA – PEERBERRY Actually, Co-Founders decided to hold a contest for their employers of Aventus Group, which launched the platform (and sold it afterwards). As I know, employers had a lot of suggestions. Finally, one IT developer suggested to name the brand: PeerBerry. So, it was that “cherry on top” of a cake which finished all the long work of creating the idea of the brand.

Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

GERDA – PEERBERRY If you have any suggestions how to improve our services, I would love to hear them all. Email me: [email protected]


GS  Gerda Striškaitė-Greičė – CMO – Chief Marketing Officer

Thanks Gerda & Peerberry for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para REINVEST24

 «We do all the work with the real estate and the investors can become passive landlords» 



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

➊ What makes Reinvest24 unique among all P2P investment platforms?

TANEL – REINVEST24 As most P2P investment platforms provide opportunities to invest into loans, Reinvest24 platform offers opportunities to invest into rental properties. We do all the work with the real estate and the investors can become passive landlords, receiving monthly payouts from the rental yield, as well as capital growth from property value appreciation overtime.

➋ As investors, why should we include Reinvest24 in our portfolio?

TANEL – REINVEST24 Rental properties are one of the lowest risk investments there are, while the combined returns can add up to same level as P2P loan interests. Reinvest24 has created an investment product for P2P investors to diversify their portfolio further.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

TANEL – REINVEST24 We launched the platform in 2018 May and within few months we got our first 2 properties funded on the platform. By end of the year we had already investors from +35 countries.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

TANEL – REINVEST24 To expand our rental properties to other areas in Europe.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

TANEL – REINVEST24 We are about to launch secondary market together with a new interface for the profile and properties section. New deposit gateways ( credit cards, crypto ) and autoinvest tool.

➏ How did you choose the name: ‘Reinvest24’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

TANEL – REINVEST24 Since our rental properites provide monthly payouts from the rental yield, it provides opportunity to reinvest the profits monthly and build momentum for growing the portfolio and passive income. So its all about reinvesting, 24/7!

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

TANEL – REINVEST24 For a healthy portfolio that provides positive returns throughout the market cycle, make sure to diversify between different type of investments, not just between different platforms that offer the same investment products.


TO  Tanel Orro – Reinvest24 CEO

Thanks Tanel & Reinvest24 for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para TWINO


 «Join thousands of investors earning 11% or more« 



NOTA: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ.


➊ What makes Twino unique among all P2P investment platforms?

ROBERTS – TWINO There are multiple things that sets us apart:

***Experience – we have been in the lending business for 10 years and that gives us a unique knowledge of all the markets, where we operate in. Our platform has received broad media coverage, multiple awards and our volumes put us among the most successful platforms in all of Continental Europe.
***Returns – our investors are earning on average 11% p.a., which is a very high return to be achieved in passive investing.
***Guarantees – we offer two types of guarantees – BuyBack and Payment. The key goal for both of them is to provide the best possible experience for our investors by taking away the borrower default risk from investors.

➋ As investors, why should we include Twino in our portfolio?

ROBERTS – TWINO To put it in one sentence – Experienced P2P lender that offers investing opportunities with returns above 10% p.a.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

ROBERTS – TWINO 2018 brought multiple awards with it, a stellar list of conferences, and three editions of FinTech Talks by TWINO. Most importantly, we introduced a brand-new suite of features and products that empowered our investors – giving the tools required to capitalize on the robust and growing P2P lending market. With all this this on mind, it’s quite difficult to emphasize just one thing, yet I think that funding EUR 200 million worth of loans is an impressive achievement.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

ROBERTS – TWINO Looking ahead to the upcoming year, we plan to add new product categories to further diversify our business and improve the offering for you. We will start by launching car financing product on our platform, which will be the first product with a collateral. While we have already launched our lending business in this segment, you will see an increase in opportunities during the first few months of 2019.

Furthermore, we see significant potential for introducing additional lending products, including SME (small-to-medium enterprise) loans, invoice financing and property financing. Rest assured, if we decide to move forward with any of these new products, you will be the first ones to know.

We also continue to evaluate opportunities in digital banking and we look forward to having more concrete news to share in due course.

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

ROBERTS – TWINO Please see the answer to the previous question.

➏ How you chose the name: ‘Twino’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

ROBERTS – TWINO It is actually a pretty simple story – it comes from the word “twins”, as there are two sides of our business – lending and investing.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

ROBERTS – TWINO Try out investing with TWINO, as you can start with just EUR 10 and if you are already among our investors then please share your thoughts and feedback with us as often as possible. This is the best way to take a more active part on our journey.


RL Entrevista contestada por… Roberts Lasovskis -P2P Platform Lead de Twino.

¡Gracias Roberts & Twino por vuestro tiempo! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para VIAINVEST

 «Safe and Reliable Investments»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂

➊ What makes Viainvest unique among all P2P investment platforms?

Buyback Guarantee for ALL loans listed would be the main thing that makes us stand out in the crowd. Additionally, as we are a part of VIA SMS Group and so are all of our loan originators, we can ensure a complete transparency with our partners and ensure that VIAINVEST is a safe and reliable place for investments. Our relation to VIA SMS Group and loan originators listed on the platform also ensures pretty unique loan portfolio available for investments, as these loans are not present in any other platform.

➋ As investors, why should we include Viainvest in our portfolio?

The previously mentioned Buyback guarantee is definitively a big plus, when it comes to investing at VIAINVEST along with our up to 12% annual return return rate. VIAINVEST also strives to provide as transparent and pleasant investing experience as possible with a simple user interference and awesome investor support team!

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

We can definitely name a few here. First of all, the end of 2018 came with 100 million loans funded through the platform, that is an amazing milestone for a platform operating for 2,5 years. We have also been able to negotiate no Withholding Tax deduction on the platform for investments in loans coming from Latvia and Poland. We have also added a new loan originator from Sweden and improved various platform features. 2018 has been a pretty great year!

➍ What is your main goal for 2019?

In 2019 we are continuing to work on improving our investors’ experience when using the platform, as well as make existing features, such as our auto invest, more effective. We are also planning to add Spanish language version of our page as well as make some design improvements this year, but let’s see how everything goes! 🙂

➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

Launching VIAINVEST mobile app is our main focus right now, and it should come out pretty soon. As mentioned, improvements for auto invest feature are also planned this year along with various fixes to improve our user interference, such as new loan filters etc.

➏ How did you choose the name: ‘Viainvest’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

As we are a part of VIA SMS Group and the term VIA is kind off our trade mark characterizing majority of Group’s products, VIAINVEST seemed as a pretty logical and attractive brand name for P2P platform.

➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of

Here we would like to thank you for including us in your little interview cycle and would be happy to provide something in return. (NOTE from we will announce very soon a present from Viainvest for all our readers, stay tuned!…  Thanks Viainvest! :-))


SL Simona Lucatniece – Platform Lead

Thanks Simona and Viainvest for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para VIVENTOR

 «Investing In Loans Made Simple And Accessible»  



NOTE FOR SPANISH LANGUAGE: La entrevista se publica directamente en su idioma original (inglés). Podéis encontrar una versión traducida pinchando AQUÍ. 🙂


➊ What makes Viventor unique among all P2P investment platforms?

DAINIS – VIVENTOR What sets Viventor aside from other platforms is the fact that we are quite small company and we are quite adaptable and flexible when it comes to improvements, suggestions and ability to change. We highly value the opinion of our investors and try our best to provide the best investor experience and support.

➋ As investors, why should we include Viventor in our portfolio?

DAINIS – VIVENTOR The simple answer is the easiest – diversification purpouses and our flawless track record up to date. Going into more details regarding our operations, as you can see from our statistics pages, we have experinced significant growth over the period of the last year, achieving a portfolio increase of 168 % over the last year alone, and we are not planning to slow down our development.

➌ Which is the greatest goal you have achieved in 2018, the one that you are most proud of?

DAINIS – VIVENTOR The last year has been quite eventful, if I had to note something, that would be great growth of new partnerships with Loan Orignators, new countries introduced to our platform and significant growth ouf our outstanding portfolio.

➍ What is your main goal for 2019? + ➎ Which new functionalities or products can we expect in 2019?

DAINIS – VIVENTOR The goals and focus are very similar to the ones we achieved last year. We will focus on increasing the quality of our service and continue with the rapid growth of our portfolio, by establishing more partnerhips with the well know lenders in multiple fields across the globe.

➏ How did you choose the name: ‘Viventor’ for your investment platform? what is the story behind?

DAINIS – VIVENTOR We wanted to convey a number of different things in our brand name, promoting (1) a brand new asset class and way of investing, (2) investing as such itself & (3) emphasising that investing one’s savings in the long run allows the person to enjoy and live the life better.

So, after a number of brainstorming sessions, we combined words (1) inventor, (2) investor, and (3) “vivir”, which stands for “to live” in Spanish.
➐ Do you want to share anything with all the readers and community of
DAINIS – VIVENTOR First and foremost I would like to say «Thank all of our investors!» We are happy to continue growing and developing with their blessing and future earnings in mind.


DA  Dainis Abeltins – Investor Success Manager at Viventor

Thanks Dainis & Viventor for your time! 🙂



➐ Preguntas para…

En breve tendremos las respuestas de más plataformas de préstamos P2P, crowdfunding e inversiones alternativas… ¡Vuelve pronto!